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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 5

Naslov:Pozdravite svi Nove puritance / uredili Nicholas Blincoe, Matt Thorne ; preveli Tomislav Brlek ... [et al.]
Impresum:Zagreb : Celeber , 2000
Materijalni opis:157 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka "X" : specijalno izdanje
Napomena:Prijevod djela: All hail the new Puritans. - Na predlistu Manifest Novih puritanaca. - Str. 5-13: Uvod: Prisega. - Str. 155-157: Biografije autora
Ključne riječi:engleska književnost * antologija * pripovijetka * Novi puritanci
Sažetak:<Garland, Alex><Thomas, Scarlett><Richards, Ben><Blincoe, Nicholas><Clark, Candida><King, Daren><Dyer, Geoff><Thorne, Matt><Davis, Anna><Fowler, Bo><Branton, Matthew><Lewis, Simon><White, Tony><Litt, Toby><Ray, Rebbecca>
Ostali autori / urednici:Blincoe, Nicholas ; Thorne, Matt
Signatura:SF 24613
Inventarni broj:66135
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Naslov:Psychopathy : antisocial, criminal, and violent behavior / edited by Theodire Millon ... [et al.]
Impresum:New York ; London : Guilford , cop. 1998
Materijalni opis:476 str
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:psihopatija * antisocijalno ponašanje * kriminalno ponašanje * nasilničko ponašanje
Sažetak:I: History and viewpoints * Historical conceptions of psychopathy in the United States and Europe / Theodore Millon, Erik Simonsen and Morten Birket-Smith * Psychopathy: An elusive concept with moral overtones / John Gunn * Personality and crime / H. J. Eysenck * Psychopathy and the contribution of personality to violence / Ronald Blackburn * Evil intent: Violence and disorders of the will / Henry Richards * The internal world of the psychopath / J. Reid Meloy and Carl B. Gacano * Antisocial character and behavior: Threats and solutions / William H. Reid * The case for parental licensure / David T. Lykken * Psychopathy or antisocial personality in forensic settings / Hans Toch II: Typologies * Ten subtypes of psychopathy / Theodore Millon and Roger D. Davis * Psychopathy and the five-factor model of personality / Thomas A. Widiger and Donald R. Lynam * Psychopaths and their nature: Implications for the mental health and criminal justice systems / Robert D. Hare III: Etiology * Genetics and antisocial personality disorder / Peter McGuffin and Anita Thapur * Neurobiology in psychopathy / Larry J. Siever * Psychopathic children: Indicators of organic dysfunction / Niels Peter Rygaard * Cross-cultural aspects of psychopathy / David J. Cooke * A biopsychosocial model of psychopathy / Joel Paris IV: Comorbidity * Psychopathy and psychiatric comorbidity / Alv A. Dahl * Psychopathy in the pedophile / Darwin Dorr * Comorbidity of alcoholism and psychopathy / Joachim Knop, Per Jensen and Erik Lykke Mortensen * Antisocial personality disorder and narcotic addiction / Per Vaglum * Sadistic personality in murderers / Michael H. Stone V: Treatment * Psychopharmacological treatment and impulsivity / Lars von Knorring and Lisa Ekselius * The psychotherapeutic management of psychopathic, narcissistic, and paranoid transferences / Otto F. Kernberg * A group-analytic approach to psychopaths: "The Ring of Truth" / Murray Cox * Therapeutic community treatment for severe personality disorders / Bridget Dolan * The management of dangerous psychopaths in prison / Jeremy W. Coid * Treating the "untreatable" in Denmark: Past and present / Heidi Hansen
APA CC:3217 3230 3300
Ostali autori / urednici:Millon, Theodore
Signatura:3217 98 PSY
Inventarni broj:9485
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Critical theory and performance / edited by Janelle G. Reinelt and Joseph R. Roach
Izdanje:Rev. and enl. ed.
Impresum:Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press , cop. 2007
Materijalni opis:xii, 596 str. : ilustr. ; 25 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Theater--theory/text/performance
Napomena:Zastupljeni autori: Carlson, Marvin ; States, Bert O. ; Carmody, Jim ; Feral, Josette ; Tompkins, Joanne ; Richards, Sandra L. ; Zarrillli, Phillip B. ; Lane, Jill ; Lei, Daphne ; Elam, Harry J. ; Postlewait, Thomas ; Bank, Rosemarie K. ; Foster, Susan Leigh ; Savran, David ; McConachie, Bruce ; Rouse, John ; Donkin, Ellen ; Dolan, Jill ; Davy, Kate ; Román, David ; Diamond, Elin ; Pellegrini, Ann ; Phelan, Peggy ; Schechner, Richard ; Conquergood, Dwight ; Chaudhuri, Una ; Auslander, Philip ; Blau, Herbert ; Case, Sue-Ellen. - Bibliografija uz pojedine radove
Ključne riječi:kazalište -- filozofija * filozofija kazališta
Sažetak:Preface to the Second Edition ; Introduction to the First Edition. -Performance Analysis. -Marvin Carlson, Semiotics and Its Heritage ; Bert O. States, The Phenomenological Attitude ; Jim Carmody, Alceste in Holywood A Semiotic Reading of The Misanthrope ; Josette Feral, Every Transaction Conjures a New Boundary. -Postcolonial Studies. -Joanne Tompkins, Performing History's Unsettlement ; Sandra L Richards, What Is to Be Remembered?: Tourism to Ghanas Slave Castle-Dungeons ; Phillip B Zarrilli, For Whom Is the King a King? Issues of Intercultural Production, Perception, and Reception in a Kathakali King Lear. -Critical Race Theory. -Jill Lane, Black/face Publics: The Social Bodies of Fraternidad ; Daphne Lei, Virtual Chinatown and New Racial Formation: Performance of Cantonese Opera in the Bay Aea ; Harry Elam, Jr, Reality v/. -Theater History and Historiography. -Thomas Postlewait, Theater Events and Their Political Contexts: A Problem in the Writing of Theater History ; Rosemarie K Bank, Representing History: Performing the Columbian Exposition ; Susan Leigh Foster, Kinesthetic Empathies and the Politics of Compassion. -After Marx. -David Savran, Shadows of Brecht ; Brace McConachie, Historicizng the Relations of Theatrical Production ; John Rouse, Brecht and the Contradictory Actor. -Gender and Sexualities. -Ellen Donkin, Mrs. Siddons Looks Back in Anger Feminist Historiography for Eighteenth-Century British Theater ; Fill Dolan, Practicing Cultural Disruptions Gay and Lesbian "Representation and Sexuality ; Kate Davy, Fe/male Impersonation: The Discourse of Camp ; David Roman, Not-About-AIDS. -Psychoanalysis. -Elin Diamond, The Violence of "We": Politicizing Identification ; Ann Pelh'grini, Staging Sexual Inury: H ow I Learned to Drive ; Peggy Phelan, Imobile Legs, Stalled Words: Psychoanalysis and Moving Deaths. -Performance Studies. -Ricihard Schechner, Invasions Friendly and Unfriendly: The Dramaturgy of Direct Theater ; Dwight Conquergood, Performance Theory, Hmong Shamans, and Cultural Politics ; Una Chaudhuri, Animal Rites: Perorming beyond the Human. -Mediatized Cultures. -Philip Auslander, Live from Cyberspace, or, I Was Sitting at My Computer This Guy Appeared He Thought I Was a Bot ; Herbert Blau, Virtually Yours: Presence, Liveness, Lessness ; Sue-Ellien Case, Draculas Daugh
Ostali autori / urednici:Reinelt, Janelle G. ; Roach, Joseph R.
Namjena :doktorski studij književnosti
Signatura:792(08) CRIT
Inventarni broj:III-3745, III-3808
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:Pozdravite svi nove puritance / uredili Nicholas Blincoe i Matt Thorne ; preveli Tomislav Brlek...[et al.]
Impresum:Zagreb : Celeber , 2000
Materijalni opis:157 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka X : Specijalno izdanje
Napomena:Prijevod djela: All hail the New puritans. - Zastupljeni autori: Blincoe N. ; Thorne M. ; Thomas S. ; Garland A. ; Richards B. ; Clark C. ; King D. ; Dyer G. ; David A. ; Fowler B. ; Branton M. ; Lewis S. ; White T. ; Litt T. ; Ray R.
Sažetak:Prisega / Nicholas Blincoe i Matt Thorne. -Kontrola misli / Scarlett Thomas. -Monaco / Alex Garland. -Priča o duhovima (redateljska verzija) / Ben Richards. -Kratki uvod u teoriju igara / Nicholac Blincoe. -Gospodin Miller / Candida Clark. -Više nego dobro / Daren King. -Skunk / Geoff Dyer. -Tako loše ipak nije / Matt Thorne. -Pjesme / Anna Davis. -Tri ljubavne priče / Bo Fowler. -Što majmun vidi, to majmun radi / Matthew Branton. -Dvije rupice / Simon Lewis. -Pjesnik / Tony White. -Puritanci / Toby Litt. -Ljubavnici / Rebbecca Ray
Ostali autori / urednici:Blincoe, Nicholas ; Thorne, Matt ; Brlek, Tomislav
Namjena :poslijediplomski studij književnosti
Signatura:821.111(08) POZ
Inventarni broj:III-1234
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Richards, Thomas ; Grotowsky, Jerzy
Naslov:At work with Grotowski on physical actions : with a preface and the essay 'From the Theatre Company to Art as Vehicle' by Jerzy Grotowski / Thomas Richards
Impresum:London ; New York : Routledge , cop. 1995
Materijalni opis:xi, 135 str. ; 22 cm
Ključne riječi:kazalište * Grotowski J.
Namjena :jedan primjerak za doktorski studij književnosti
Signatura:792 RIC A
Inventarni broj:2001/15, III/3279
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Richards Thomas )
